Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Project 365: Week 6

Better late than never right?  I am not sure where last week went. I am not only late, I am light on pictures too.  I do have an excuse though. I read a complete book series. Three books in one week! That is amazing for a Mom that works full time outside of the home too! 


Is this dog spoiled or what? It's not enough to just be on the couch, she needs a pillow too!


No Pic!


No Pic!


This was the moon trying to get itself to bed Wednesday morning. I captured this picture when I was getting ready to head to work.

This picture was taken just a little ways down the road from my house.


This is the little Church that we go to. I really liked the way it looked with the sun setting behind it. I don't think that the picture does it justice.


No Pic!


This is the reason for the missing pictures this week!  I read all three of these books this week!  This is a very good series. My son read it first and said I just HAD to read it. He was right. AWESOME!

Hope everyone had a good week!  Hopefully I will be on time and full of pictures next week!


  1. Gorgeous moon shots! I read the Hunger Games & I LOVED the first one, but the other two were just ok to me :)

  2. Love your moon shot. I have not read the Hunger Games series yet. I am planning to. Your church is so pretty. Have a good week.
