Sunday, January 8, 2012

Project 365: Week 1

I am a newbie to Project 365.  I have been following along for a a couple years now and have debated about joining.  I have thought since I started following that it was an awesome idea.  Thanks you Sara for hosting!


We went to my  in-laws to celebrate my birthday today. My actual birthday was on December 30th but, this day worked better for all of us for celebrating!


Oh no, I think Mother Nature has realized that it is winter time in Michigan.  We have been very lucky so far this winter. Rather mild temps and very little snow fall! Yay!


Brrrr..... it was so cold this morning when I got to work. I think this is the coldest morning so far this winter!

No picture for Wednesday. Bummer! I thought I has one for everyday this week!


I love working at the bank.  I get to make all kinds of friends.  This pretty girl and her daddy came in to see me today.  I love it when our customers bring their fur kids in to see us.  Bell looks like she would like to make a dog bone withdrawal!


We seem to get a lot of gorgeous sunsets here.  I hope you all don't get sick and tired of sunset pictures from me!


This picture was taken with my cell phone at work.  The cows on the side of this van cracked me up!

I am really looking forward to tracking my year in pictures.  I feel like I know so many of you since I have been following along for so long.  Have a great week!



  1. Welcome - you are really going to enjoy this.
    I never get tired of sunset pictures either.

  2. Welcome to the group. Loved your pics. Happy Belated Birthday & that sunset was gorgeous.

  3. So glad you are joining us!

    I have to say that after living 8 years in northern IN, I don't miss the snow at all!

  4. Welcome to P365 and Happy Birthday!

    Love a good sunset!

    We all look forward to getting to know you and glimpsing your week in pictures!


  5. Welcome!! You won't regret it. Happy Birthday, too.

  6. Happy birthday! Love the dog picture - she sure is looking INTENTLY at you :)

    I love sunset pictures, so post away!

  7. welcome to p365!! happy to have you!

    what an adorable dog!!
    and I never get tired of sunset pictures! :-)

  8. Thank you all so much for the warm welcome! I am looking so forward to the year in pictures!! :)

  9. My sons birthday is the 30th also:) Wow, that is really cold weather. Not sure I could handle that.

  10. Happy belated birthday! Your parents did good, sneaking you in just under the wire for that extra tax deduction :)

    I do miss the pretty Michigan sunsets. Since we're in a valley, we don't get very good ones.

    Sooooo happy you're doing P365!!!
