Sunday, January 22, 2012

Project 365: Week 3

Here we are in week three already!  Seems as if this year will keep the forward momentum that 2011 had! I can remember when I was younger, how I used to wish that I was older. What was I thinking?  LOL  My Mom used to tell me not to wish my life away because the older you get, the faster it goes! My Mom is one smart woman! I can't believe how fast the years fly by now. Ok, let's get on with the show!


I went to let the dog in and this is what was waiting for me at the door.  The kids had been outside playing and Mindy HAD to go out and see what was going on. This dog is such a house plant in the winter! She has a very thin coat so she gets cold easy. Nice of Abby to give her a hug to help her warm up! Snowy hands and all!

Tim spends most of the decent weather weekend days cutting wood. We heat with wood so it is important to have it on hand. Here he is coming in with the first load of the day.


This is Charlie. When he wants attention, he will insert himself where ever he needs to so he can get attention! I was playing on the computer and he popped right up in front of me and would not move until he had a good petting!


Abby is usually willing to let me take her picture. She hasn't started giving me the eye roll yet when I ask if I can take one!


I had today off because I work this weekend.  I have been wanting an omelet for a while now so I thought I would go ahead and make myself one.  I put in onion, green pepper, tomato and cheese. It was yummy!


This was the calm between the storms. We had some gorgeous blue sky between two snow events this week. Neither snow storm dropped what was predicted so I am thankful for that!


The sunrise was so pretty this morning.  My Dad always used to say, "Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning."  When I saw this red sky I thought oh boy here we go! We were predicted 5 to 7 inches of snow out of the storm coming this afternoon. I think we only got 3 or 4! YAY!

This is Josh. He is one of our friends and my husbands coworker. He is so funny.  My hubby was the best man in Josh's wedding this summer. Josh is only 24 and Tim is 42. When Josh asked him to be best man, Tim asked him if he was sure he wanted the "old man" standing up there next to him. Josh told him he was sure and that he didn't have to worry because there would be plenty of room for his walker too! You never know what he will say next!


This was a big day for Abby. Tomorrow is her 10th birthday.  She has wanted to get her ears pierced for a while now and I told her we could do that for her birthday.  Here she is getting her lobes marked.

Lining up for the big moment. Notice the change in her expression. The ladies told her they would count to five. I was getting ready to take another before shot and as I clicked, so did they!

OUCH!  They told her they were counting to five and the did it on three!  They said they have found that kids tense up too much when they know it is coming on three so, they tell them five and go on three! The alignment is better and the surprise takes away some of the ouch. Love the look on her face!

That was my rather uneventful week.  I need to start getting things around for Abby's party this afternoon.  We are going over to my MIL's for the party. With the cold and snow, it is hard for my MIL to get my FIL out and about so, it is easier for us to go to them.  I look forward to checking out what you all have been up to this week!  Have a great week!


  1. Oh I love the earring piercing pictures. Remember when my daughter got hers done.
    Love that you use wook to heat your home.
    Our fireplace only heats the family room.

  2. The snow looks beautiful. Down here in the south we will probably not get any this year. My daughter made face just like that when she got her ears pierced.

  3. Helen, I didn't know you were doing P365! Welcome :)
    I cannot believe how big Abby is -- I keep thinking of her as this little bitty preschooler :) Even though you showed me her school pic last summer, I just can't get over her being TEN YEARS OLD already. hahaha I bet you can't either!
    I am so NOT missing the cold and snow! Even though it's been HOT, HOT, HOT, I'll take that over a Michigan winter any day :) We're praying for some cooling rain. We got a bit on Friday night but even though it was supposed to rain all weekend, we didn't get any more. It's overcast today but still 90 degrees :( Too bad we can't trade some of our hot for some of your cold, and level things off to a more pleasant temp for both of us :)
    Hi to the girls at CNB!

  4. Happy birthday to Abby! I remember getting my ears pierced - a momentary pain for years of fun - ha! LOVE the sunrise pictures - gorgeous!
