Sunday, January 15, 2012

Project 365: Week 2

Good Morning! This was a fairly uneventful week. We had our last family Christmas for 2011 on Sunday. It is always nice to get together with my husband's family. They are lots of fun to be with. So you get a few extra pictures for Sunday! :)


Aunt Bev and Uncle Gene open their home and host the family every year for Christmas. Usually we do this the first Sunday in December but, this year Aunt Bev had bursitis in her hip so, we pushed it out until January! Aunt Bev and Uncle Gene A.L.W.A.Y.S. have a camera in hand! When Uncle Gene came around the corner, I told him turn about is fair play! LOL

The camera brings out the ham in my oldest! :)

This is our nephew Darrin and his fiancee Linda. They just got engaged on Christmas morning!

In the background are my SIL Amy and her hubby Steve. In front of them are Amy's girls. Niece Katie is on the left and Niece Amanda is on the right.  I asked Linda to sneak a picture of them because they will never pose for one!

Amanda opening her white elephant gift. Aunt Bev is seated at the end of the table. Her tree is gorgeous every year!

A close picture of Amanda. I think she only has four months of college left and she will be an RN. So very proud of her!


The moon was still up when I left for work this morning. I thought it was so pretty behind the clouds and over the neighbors barn!


We bleed Maize and Blue in our house. However, my son has turned against us!  His best friend and his family are all State fans. Somehow, the peer pressure has turned my sons blood green! I keep hoping it is a stage and he will grow out of it! LOL


This is the steeple of the First Presbyterian Church right down the street from the bank.  Everyday, the bells play songs in the afternoon. I happened to be going home today as the bells were playing How Great Thou Art. I sat and listened and sang till they stopped. I was moved nearly to tears. God has a way of knowing when we need a little boost. My God, How Great Thou Art!


This is Mindy. She is such a good girl. Spoiled rotten. She is approximately 55 to 60 pounds and thinks she is a lap dog.  If I sit in my recliner and cover up with my green fleece blanket, she will jump up and roll over on her back like a baby and go to sleep!

Friday the 13th!

Snowy, slippery roads awaited me for the trek into work this morning!  Back roads and the highway were snow covered. At least on the highway there are grumble strips to let you know where you are!  The house that you can barely see on the left is the house that my Dad was born in and grew up in.  My cousin and her husband live in it now.

This is what awaited me when I got to work this morning! After the drive in, I needed that! Stephanie is a good friend and she certainly breathes life and excitement into the otherwise boring world of banking!


Tonight was the Snowball Dance for the high school.  My son L.O.V.E.S. to dance.  I think he looks so handsome. I can't believe how fast the kids grow up!

Thanks for visiting! Hope you all have a wonderful week!  I am looking forward to heading over to Sara's to check out the week that you all had!



  1. so fun that you are still doing Christmas....although I did find one more thing I forgot to put up last week!

    as I see everyone posting this pictures of snow, it just makes me that much happier I live in the south. I've had my fill of snow!!

  2. We did my family Christmas after the fact this year. Sometimes ya just have to adjust the plan a bit to accommodate all the different plans of all the different parties.....

    Lot's of snow this week all around, thankfully down south we do not get much in the way of the white stuff.


  3. Love that moon & snow picture. We had some this week too - hello winter :)

  4. What an eventful week you had. Your son is very handsome. I hope he enjoyed his dance. I loved the barn and church pic they are my favorite subjects.....and chimneys.

  5. Ooh...a house divided is tough. You know, yellow and blue does make green. ;)

    Glad God met you right where you were with a little boost! He is so good at doing that.

    I think everyone needs a fun co-worker to bring energy into the workplace.

    Have a great week!!

  6. HI...blogged over from Sara's...nice to see your week in photos. It's always fun for one more Christmas celebration! We are True Blue Michigan fans as well so to see your son in that awful awful color made my heart so very sad!! lol Beautiful pics of the snowy scenes! Have a great week.

  7. Hayden is such a good combination of you and Tim! Definitely a good looking young man!
    The photo of the icy road -- UGH! Glad I'm not having to drive those any more.
